Enhancing PET/CT Sensitivity & Accuracy

Enhancing PET/CT Sensitivity & Accuracy

Technology and healthcare are increasingly combining to bring remarkable developments in contemporary medicine that redefine how we identify and treat ailments. The development of PET/CT, also known as Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography, is a ground-breaking invention. This dynamic pair of imaging modalities has revolutionised diagnostic accuracy by offering thorough insights into the human body at […]

Choosing your Diagnosis: PET Scan VS CT Scan

PET Scan VS CT Scan

Healthcare systems over the years have seen a rapid rise in terms of quality, accuracy and speed. This is mainly possible because of the combination of cutting-edge technology. With each development in technology, there is a significant upgrade in the healthcare system. Today, in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and high-resolution image production, the […]

Combatting Cancer with a PET scan

Combatting Cancer with a PET scan

Positron Emission Tomography or PET scans have changed and revamped the medical diagnosis landscape by adding futuristic revolutionary years to one’s life through their property of early detection. PET scans are primarily specialised in detecting and imaging functional aspects of the body’s physiology like metabolism, rhythms, flow rate and more. These help in denoting any […]

The Role Of PET Scans In Liver Cancer Diagnosis

The Role of PET Scans in Liver Cancer Diagnosis

How Does A Diagnosis Occur In The Field Of Medicine: When it comes to the treatment of any condition or disease, the first step is an accurate or detailed diagnosis of the region of the complaint. Usually, the physician or consulting doctor prescribes various methods of diagnosis that enable them to understand the cause and […]

What is PET CT Scan, and How Does it Save Life?

PET CT scan

Introduction: PET CT Scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography Scan, finding early indications of heart disease, cancer and brain issues. With the aid of an injectable radioactive tracer, infected cells are found. A PET-CT combo scan generates 3D images for a more precise diagnosis. Doctors can analyze the functioning of tissues and essential organs in […]

Are you afraid of PET CT Scan?


Introduction PET is known as Positron Emission Tomography, a type of medical imaging technology that uses small amounts of radioactive material called tracers to locate many types of cancers and abnormalities inside the body and produce detailed pictures.  Positron Emission Tomography is the most accurate way of detecting cancer. It uses radioactive tracers injected into the […]

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