Theranostic/Radionuclide Scan In Bangalore

Theranostic/Radionuclide Scan In Bangalore

Theranostic/Radionuclide Scan

There are two components of treatment, diagnosis and therapeutics.Theranostic is the treatment management strategy which combines both. There are two kinds of radionuclide.

Diagnostic radionuclide- positron or gamma emitters

Theranostic radionuclide- beta or alphaemitters

Theranostic uses one among the two depending on which molecule to target and what to diagnose.Targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT) is cancer therapy. Based on patients-specific-data, it helps our doctors to assess the individual internal dosimetry. Radionuclide scan basically helps the experts to determine the area of infection in the body and excessive bone turnovers.

Radionuclide Scan: Know What it can detect:

A radionuclide is a type of nuclear imaging where organs are targeted with different tracers depending on what exactly doctors want to know. If you think what exactly it can help you detect, then here is the list.

Working Principle of Radionuclide Scan:

Like PET and SPECTA, the radionuclide is also diagnosis-specific.

Types of disease we detect through the Radionuclide scan

Top Pet CT Scan


Renal ailments

Multiple Myeloma

Skin Cancer

Acute Tubular Necrosis

Pet CT for esophageal Cancer


Pet CT for esophageal Cancer

Pleural Effusion

Pet CT Scan for Luakemia

Aplastic Anemia

Skin Cancer


Pet CT Scan for Luakemia

Coronary artery disease

Pet CT for Cancer detection

Cervical spondylosis

Our Specialities

Early examination: Benefits of doing it

Early detection is always advisable since it helps you to take steps for the cure as soon as possible, preventing the severity of the case and improving the probability to get cured. It would be best if you get an examination done as soon as you suspect some bad symptoms in your body.

Our Specialities

Radionuclide scan protocols: Steps you must follow before the examination

We take every precautionary measure before the examination to avoid any misconduct before or after the scanning, which may add to the trouble for the patient and alter the scan results.You need to follow a few safety measures as instructed by our instructors
Pet CT Scan Protocol

Our Specialities

We dare to care: Our exceptional service you can rely upon:

At Kiran Labs, we not only strive to give our customers the best diagnosis treatment but also take care of the surroundings around which is mandatory in terms of hygiene, maintenance and privacy of the patient. We commit to provide

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